Breast Augmentation
With Implant

Lack of breast development or breast hypoplasia affect a large number of women. Currently, it is scientifically proven that breast augmentation surgery improves the self-esteem, sexual life and quality of life of patients. The most frequent form of breast augmentation is using silicone implants.

Depending on certain anatomical conditions and the patient’s preferences, breast augmentation can be done through the submammary groove, through a periareolar incision or through the armpit. The prosthesis is placed generally under the mammary gland or under the pectoralis major muscle.

The approximate volume and the shape of the implant are determined before surgery in conjunction with the patient, taking into consideration the physical examination and the desired aesthetic preferences and objectives.

It is important to consider that, to date, there is no evidence of association between the use of silicone implants and the appearance of cancer or rheumatological diseases. It has also been shown that adequate radiological techniques do not diminish the performance of mammography for the detection of breast cancer.

With fat injection

In recent years there has been a great interest in breast augmentation with tissue from the patient itself, without the need to use implants. One option is breast lipoinjection. In this procedure, the same fat that is removed from the parts where it is in excess is injected into the breast.

The injections are carefully done under and over the mammary gland, and not inside the gland. In general terms, this technique is advisable in patients seeking a totally natural result, who wish to avoid silicone implants and who do not need a large volume increase. Sometimes it is necessary to perform this surgery in at least 2 stages to achieve the desired effect.

Endoscopic transaxillary

The mammary augmentation through axillary assisted by endoscopy is an interesting option in all patients who seek a breast augmentation with implants and who do not want to have scars on the breasts. It is especially indicated in patients with poorly defined inframammary sulcus and small areola.

In this type of increase, the scar is strategically located in the highest area of ​​the armpit. In this way, with the help of the endoscope, it is possible to place the implant under or on the pectoralis major muscle, without the need to leave scars in the groove or around the areola.

The endoscope allows to control the dissection of the place where the implant is going to be placed and to control all the bleeding points, decreasing the risk of hematoma. With the careful use of this technique you can achieve a safe, natural and elegant result.


“Pre and post surgery, Dr. Ramírez was very aware of my condition and every detail.  Always committed to your work. I feel happy with the results. An artist.” Cindy, 27 years old.



The endoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation allows placing an implant through a small incision, hidden in the highest part of the armpit. The absence of a scar in the submammary groove or around the areola allows the aesthetic result to be improved elegantly, as well as to make the postoperative more comfortable. Breast augmentation without scars on the breasts:

The endoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation allows placing an implant through a small incision, hidden in the highest part of the armpit. The absence of a scar in the submammary groove or around the areola allows the aesthetic result to be improved in an elegant way, as well as making the postoperative more comfortable.

Dr. Alejandro Ramírez.

Breast augmentation, an elegant neckline.

Result of breast augmentation with implants
The objectives in breast enlargement can be very different from one patient to another, however an elegant neckline is what many women want. This is an example of a result that left our patient very happy and happy to have sought help.

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